My theme for the Year of the dragon seems to be accountability.
I knew early on that having Leon join the IHC team will be great for holding myself accountable, as I wrote about in a previous blog.
The decision to choose the fan as a weapon has led to the idea to attempt a partner weapon form and with that, another opportunity for even more accountability.
After a timid mentioning of the idea followed by a few days of humming and hawing and questioning, if it is a smart move to attempt to work together with someone, knowing I will be physically and mentally absent for two full month, the question was, are we doing this or not.
My answer was still indecisive and noncommittal, "I'll try!"
The response to that came quick and was only fair, "we are either doing this or not, there is no try!"
And boom thats what I needed: commit to it first, than figure it out!😁
Now, A few weeks into this year I feel super excited and certainly committed.
What seemed like a scarry idea is now presenting it self as another very powerful tool on my journey this year.
This one is different than having my son on the team and wanting and needing to lead by example.
This one is more direct in its impact, as my partners’s success and performance is directly tight to my efforts and the other way around. I don't know how everything will turn out and how hard the most difficult parts of this journey will really be but no matter what I'm convinced that this is an opportunity that holds countless benefits and I'm sure it will be a topic of several of my blogs this year.
For now, while I'm preperaing for this trip and time away, I see the enormous support I will be traveling with and I feel less anxious about leaving this part of my life behind!
This will be my first trip to Germany while being on the team. In previous years my KungFu was more or less put on pause for the duration of my trips. Out of sight out of mind!
I'm curious to see how being part of the team, having all my requirements in place, being able to read your guy's blogs, having the responsibility to lead by example for Leon and Paoul as well, and having a partner in crime for my weapon form, all of this combined will help me stay connected and on track!
I feel prepared and supported in this like never before.
And I realize if I ever question again if I should join a team or a patner project when I know I will be absent for a while my answer should be “yes, that's exactly what I need”!!!
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