Overcoming limiting beliefs and shifting our mindset
“Your belief determines your action and your action determines your results, but first you have to believe.” (Mark Victor Hansen)
My journey into the I Ho Chuan team is starting on a rocky road; unprepared, behind schedule, with only a fuzzy image of what is to come, and admittedly an overwhelming feeling of doubt.
It’s been a week that this almost unexplainable sudden shift of my mind started happening, like an invisible hand guiding and pulling me toward it.
My “NO” was solid and made total sense to me. My plate is full and while I’m intrigued and in awe of the journeys others seem to make, my truth was: “this is not the time to take this on, someday MAYBE.”
Truth is a funny thing, it seems so simple, if only it was one dimensional. When you believe something and you say it, you ultimately speak YOUR truth. I didn’t lie, I couldn’t do this!
But what happens if somebody with a different perspective and belief talks to you, and describes their point of view, well we all know this can go many different ways.
In this particular case, the timing was right. A series of brief conversations in the changing room after class and even more so a couple of text messages did the trick. Somebody else could see it before me, someone believed, I could do this.
All of a sudden the wheels started turning and my perspective had changed not to the point that I can see it clearly but enough to know there is more to my truth.
I started scrambling holding on to a thin tread, I’m almost out of time and I am already behind. But even with the added challenge of starting this insane (to my friends and family) commitment late, I couldn’t bear the thought anymore to give up before I even started.
The question: “wouldn’t it be better to prepare for this now and start next year, so you can hit the ground running” was an easy answer now: Maybe, but NO!
Something has changed!
And while I recognize my own efforts this first week to make this happen, to jump into this new chapter just to commit to a lot of uncomfortable situations, way out of my comfort zone, I know I couldn’t have done this without the pull of this team I haven’t even been part of yet.
I’m not entirely sure what to make of this shift of mindset but I guess one thing stands out to me and that is the importance of community. I believe my no changed to a Y E S!!! because of this team.
It was every speech I listened to at the Chinese New Year banquette.
It was Sifu Brinker seemingly speaking to me personally when he said; you will never feel ready for this.
It was the feeling of honor when we helped out at the banquette and seeing my boys growing an inch that night, for the same reason: proud to be part of something like this.
And lastly, it was this friendly message on my phone that made me believe I can do this and I’m wanted!
My main realization this first week is, to not underestimate our influence on others.
Our words, spoken or written have an impact! It may be invisible to us, as our perspective is limited to where we are standing but just imagine the change that could be happening just out of view!
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